Practising, Packages & Preparation!


With our show to air on the 12th of November. There isn’t much time to finalise all of our paperwork and content.

I feel that we haven’t done as much as we could have at this point, but that we have just enough time to pull everything together and make a brillaint show!

Having seminars with Zara have helped me broaden my view on what Radio is and how you can use that knowledge to create effective entertainment. Listening to Short-cuts the short documentary pieces, have really helped me realise what I want to get out of this show and course as a whole. A broad experience of multiple roles with industry standard equipment.

As well as listening to last years podcasts and having already listened to the Halloween show that was broadcast. Sam Kirk an ex-presenter of LincsFM came in and taught us about presenting, do’s and don’ts of radio and it generally eased my mind to know that I’d already been practising a lot of the things he listed while I was in the studio practising.

Since last I’ve posted, I have edited a package about Video games and how people use them to escape as that is the theme of our show. Escapism. I interviewed Joel Lloyns editor of The Linc Culture section and Ben Woodhouse, the president of the Lincoln Gaming Society.

Here is the Cue for that Package

After a meeting in the Library, the running order is complete! We’ve now got to finalise the script, packages and generally iron out all the small errors in all areas. I feel that the content and theme of the show is solid, and that it will create a lot of mileage for the show! After the RunningOrder was completed, I made a short trail to go live on Siren to hopefully draw in some listeners for the day.

Here is the script and draft for the Trailer

What remains is practise,practise, PRACTISE!

We have booked out Siren’s studio and the radio studios in MHT to ensure we are fully prepared for the 12th!

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